Monday, October 8, 2012

Called To Serve

I am a mormon. I think you could of guessed it. Considering a majority of the class is I feel I can speak openly about it. This weekend at general conference the prophet for my church made an announcement that will affect me, my family, and most if not all of my friends lives and near futures. A young man can now serve the church at the age of 18 years old instead of 19 if it is helpful and if the are willing and worthy. When I first heard this saturday morning I was with my friends and I thought a friend was pulling a joke on all of us. I was shocked when I heard it from my own parents. This means, (if I choose to) that directly after high school I can serve a two year mission for my church. That's in less then eight months and I'll be the first to say it, "That scares me."

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