Monday, October 15, 2012

Car fights

If you live in a family with multiple siblings, some younger or older then you can probably relate to this post. My family went up to Salt Lake for a couple of days during fall break and it seems like every time we all pile into the car together a fight breaks out within five minutes.Some nudges someone, or throws a wrapper, spits in someones face and next thing you know it is all out war. 
My two little brothers are punks and I'm always tempted to hit them back, but being the oldest I have learned from experience that I always take a majority if not all the blame and punishment.
I have found the cure to end the fighting! If you want to learn how it's very simple but takes a little $. Get a DVD player in your car! Everyone puts on headphones and the car ride is smooth sailing. Everyone is into the movie and has to use all there attention on focusing at a 8" TV screen. Trust me it's worth it. Best decision my parents ever made!


  1. Your family spits in each others faces? Must be from a rough neighborhood.

  2. in my family we have tickle fights;)

  3. i liked you in i am legend but men in black 3 was super gay
