Sunday, November 4, 2012

I Remember

I remember shooting hoops on my little plastic hoop inside at my old home. That's the farthest back I can go. I was 3. I remember going to the Dinosaur Museum for the first time and playing in the sand for hours. I remember filling up with gas for the first time. I remember walking through the red woods and just looking up. I remember getting hit by a pitch and getting the wind knocked out of me. I remember a kid named Evan on my team ran to third base instead of first. I remember breaking my jaw and biting my tongue in half. I remember the day I got my license and I lied about my height and weight. I remember having not one but both of my seizures. I remember burying my great-grandpa on a cold cloudy day. I remember being the tallest  in 1st grade and then the shortest in 8th. I remember the first time I talked to that girl. I remember winning my 8th grade football championship. I remember scoring my first touchdown. I remember almost quitting. I remember almost transferring to AF. I remember driving down the west coast and wanting to buy a beach house. I remember going to Disneyworld.  I remember being in the shamoo show. I remember playing wiffle-ball all summer long and having it never get old. I remember watching Space Jam everyday for one summer. I remember finding a Nintendo 64 under the TV on Christmas Day.

 I remember hiking 24 miles in three days. I remember having a 24 marathon with Dillon. I remember moving away from all my friends. I remember going driving on the freeway for the first time. I remember playing with my friends down the street. I remember learning how to ride a bike. I remember running into a tree when I was running to catch a football. I remember almost getting caught. I remember lying to my parents for the first time. I remember sneaking out. I remember my 6th grade teacher getting engaged in class. I remember then having a substitute for two weeks. I remember going to the space center for a field trip and I was the captain! I remember going on my first date. I remember my first nightmare and I got shot. I remember mooning a family picture.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry I used a mean slur in my last comment but yeah cool blog

  3. I like this post a lot. Its real, and I find that endearing.

  4. i hate this post more than anything, it brings tears to my eyes becasue of all the good times i had with my n64

  5. This is awesome. Best thing you've written, by far. I agree with Sally. It's real...and that's not always easy.

    Some of my favorites:
    The one about being in the red woods and just looking up. The one about almost quitting. The one about lying about your height and weight. And Evan running to third base instead of first.

  6. "I remember going to the space center for a field trip and I was the captain!"
    I liked this line. Also the line about mooning a family picture made me laugh.

  7. I remember mooning a family picture.
    Can't say I've done that. I just love the line.
