I'm afraid of walking home alone at night by myself. I think of everything bad that can happen. Someone will start to follow me. The street light will flicker out and my phone will be dead. No light.
Fears are what keep us alert. If we weren't afraid then how who'd we show emotion. Image watching a scary movie and not being frightened or having nightmares about it that night. Just sitting there in silence with no fear.
I guess everyone has there own fears though. That's what helps define us! I am afraid of a lot of things: the dark, heights, snakes, and clowns, but nothing scares me more then DYING. Imagine passing away at our age, 16-18. A whole life ahead of you. All of it is gone. No college, no marraige, no family, no career. Nothing. That is what scares me most. That's why I want to live everyday like it's my last.
I don't want to have fears and when I do get scared I will tell myself that I can do it. You have to have a positive attitude and not shy away from things or you'll miss out on so many oppurtunites. If you want to ask that smoking hot girl out, do it. Sign up for the talent show. Go on a road trip. Be an hour late for curfew if you're having fun. Just do it! Don't be afraid...